
Latest magazine tips

This time we’re introducing to you 5 new magazines for advanced learners and beginners!

In our picks you will find articles about many different topics. We are sure everyone will find something interesting to read about.

The first two magazines are originally designed for young German readers, meaning they are perfect for advanced learners who wish to get in touch with authentic articles.
The other magazines in our list are especially designed for German learners with articles on the levels A2 up to C1. They include lots of word and grammar explanations as well as writing and listening exercises.

Improve your German while reading magazines.

Let’s go!

Magzine tips:

1. Funky – the magazine for young people from young people! Here you will find articles of all kinds on current topics, all written by young authors such as our wonderful teacher Nina. Funky also publishes many interviews for example with young German politicians from all parties. You can also find the funky podcast on Spotify and co. Follow funky on Instagram as well to always be up to date!

2. Katapult – If you’re interested in social sciences and politics this is the perfect magazine for you. What makes this magazine so special are the lovely designed graphics for each article. They not only give you a better overview on a topic, they also help you to understand complex social developments easier. Check out their graphics on Instagram!

3. Vitamin.de is a journal for young German learners. Each article is adapted to easy German and perfect for beginners as well as intermediates. Worksheets and audio versions are available as well for many articles.

4. Presse und Sprache is a magazine addressed to all German learners. Each month a new edition with easy articles, starting at level A2, is published. For the advanced learners this magazine also includes a collection of original articles from other German news papers.

5. On the website of Deutsche Welle (DW) in the category Deutsch XXL you will find many articles and exercises that can help you to improve your German. Besides explanations of words and grammar, writing and listening exercises are offered for many articles as well. Also under the category community you can chat with other German learners and read more about the different experiences they’ve made.